Experiencing Problems With Your Nintendo 3DS After The Last System Update? Do These Steps

This one is reblogged purely for my handheld brethren. Protect your investments, don’t let your 3DS XL‘s go to waste!

My Nintendo News

nintendo_3ds_light_blueApparently, some Nintendo 3DS owners are experiencing issues with their system after performing the latest system update. If you can no longer access the Nintendo eShop and System Settings due to the latest system update, Nintendo says to try these three steps:

  1. Power the system off.
  2. Press the power button, then immediately press and hold down the L button, R button, A button, and Up on the +Control Pad. Keep holding down the buttons until the system update screen is displayed.
  3. Tap OK on the system update screen.

If the situation remains unresolved, call Nintendo at 1-800-255-3700.

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