New Humble Bundle

The surprise is that it features new games!

Contre Jour
Anomaly Korea
Plants vs. Zombies
Metal Slug 3
The Room

All of the games are available for Android and only Android! If I’m correct, all of the games are new. Completely new! The average right now sits at $5.51, 5 of the games have soundtracks. Go hop onto it people, this is a pretty cool bundle to get. Good games, some I’ve heard of and played and some that I haven’t. It’s a great way to increase your game library, support charity and support indies.

That’s just for the mobile Bundle, THQ and DRM are featured again but in the Weekly Bundle this time. For the cheapies you’ll get these two games:

Darksiders II (with soundtrack)
Red Faction: Armageddon (with dlc and soundtrack)

both with their soundtracks and dlc

Beat the $8.06 average and you’ll get these games:

Darksiders II (with soundtrack)
Red Faction: Guerrilla